Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cairns Round 2!!!!



Our last day in Sydney was spent walking around again. Before my mom and I woke up, my dad went exploring. He found an underground mall that was right across the street from the hotel. After my mom and I got up, we headed down to the mall to get breakfast. Then we wandered around checking out the area. From there we went to get my mom a free opal kangaroo pin. Then we walked over to the Botanic Gardens. We walked around for a couple of hours and got tons of sweet photos of plants and of the opera house with the Harbour Bridge behind it. When we got done in the gardens, we headed back to see the Opera house one more time up close. We got our final pictures and I touched all three buildings one last time. From there, we headed around Circular Quay back to the Rocks to the Fortune of War. We all got a Boag’s Draught and my dad also got Tooheys Old Black Ale. After that we decided we wanted food. We got side tracked and ended up in the three story Apple store. After checking out their new toys, we walked back to the Royal George bar for dinner. We had Barramundi and Chips. Then we found out that the bar was connected to a high class restaurant that turned into a night club called Ivy. My dad was blown away with what it was and how hidden it was. After dinner we returned to our room to pack and get ready to head to Cairns.

We got up at like 5:30am Tuesday Morning. We finished packing and caught a cab to the airport about an hour later. We grabbed breakfast at the airport and then left at 8:30am. We landed in Cairns just before 11am. Then we got a taxi to the Shangri-la Hotel. This hotel was more like a resort than a hotel, it is amazing. Unfortunately, it was rainy and muggy for most of the day. We walked around trying to find lunch and ended up at a Starbucks like place called Gloria Jean’s coffee. Then we continued walking around the city. Then we ended up at Kani’s. We shared a seafood platter that had prawns, lobster, salmon, and an avocado salad, and an Outback Sampler with kangaroo, crocodile, emu, and veggies. My favorites were emu, kangaroo, and the salmon in that order. Then we walked back to the hotel and went to bed.

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